Alternative Break Trips
Take an in-depth look at social issues impacting the world, including Pittsburgh, through various Alternative Break trip opportunities.
Alternative Break trips occur during Fall Break, Spring Break, as well as over the summer months. The vast majority of service trips are international, with past trips including the Dominican Republic, Panama, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, India, Rwanda, Haiti and others. Domestic opportunities exist as well; the CMU chapter of Habitat for Humanity focuses on affordable housing and travels twice a year to help build homes in a variety of communities across the country.
Pittsburgh Alternative Break
Students staying in Pittsburgh over Spring Break can participate in Pittsburgh Alternative Break, a week-long, student-led program designed to give students a more in-depth look at social issues impacting Pittsburgh through hands-on direct service projects, reflective learning discussions and cultural experiences.
This year's Pittsburgh Alternative Break, taking place from March 3rd to March 6th, offers all students an opportunity to explore critical issues in the Northside, including displacement, gentrification, homelessness, and community development. Students will learn about the neighborhood’s history, culture, and community needs, while reflecting on their role as members of the community and how they can contribute to solutions. By supporting community-identified initiatives, participants will gain the tools to continue making a positive impact in Pittsburgh, particularly in addressing displacement and fostering long-term change.
REGISTER HERE for Pittsburgh Alternative Break 2025
In past years, approximately 10-12 service trips are planned annually by student organizations and advised by the SLICE and the Office of International Education (OIE). Check out some of trips that have taken place throughout the past few years.

Engineers Without Borders
The Carnegie Mellon chapter of Engineers Without Borders (EWB) is part of a national, nonprofit organization with a network of more than 1,000 professionals and students working to reduce poverty and improve global sustainability. The chapter works on local and international engineering and sustainability projects to provide communities with tailored solutions to issues such as water distribution, water purification, power, shelter, sanitation and infrastructure improvement.

Global Business Brigades
Global Business Brigades is part of the international non-profit, Global Brigades, whose mission is to work with under-resourced global communities to resolve health and economic disparities. Global Business Brigades focuses on business education and economic development for under-resourced micro-enterprises in developing countries. The organization works with community members to develop accounting, operations and management skills.

Global Medical Brigades
Global Medical Brigades is part of the international non-profit, Global Brigades, whose mission is to work with under-resourced global communities to resolve health and economic disparities. Global Medical Brigades focuses on medical outreach and education. The organization supports free medical clinics in rural communities abroad while completing projects to sustainably improve public health. The chapter helped pioneer the vision station in one of the clinics, where they used auto refractors to determine patients’ prescriptions and give them glasses.

Juntos is a CMU organization that partners with an NGO, Bridges to Community, which develops poverty alleviation strategies with local communities in Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic. Each year, two to four initiatives are developed by Juntos members to address the concerns of their partner community. Initiatives range from education, health, environmental sustainability and art.